April 14, 2023 – Presidential First Pitch

Today’s Wiki Corner combines two of my favorite topics: baseball and presidents! Because it was on this day in 1910 that President William Howard Taft became the first president to throw out a ceremonial first pitch at a Major League Baseball game. Taft wasn’t the first president to attend a ballgame (that was Benjamin Harrison in 1892). But he was an avid baseball fan, and was given season tickets by the owner of the Washington Senators. He was in the stands for opening day, and just before the game started, an umpire walked over unprompted, gave him a new baseball, and asked him to throw the first pitch from the stands to Senators pitcher Walter Johnson at home plate. Every president since (except Donald Trump and Joe Biden) has thrown out at least one ceremonial first pitch during or after their presidency, either for Opening Day, the All-Star Game, or the World Series. President Frankin Roosevelt threw the most first pitches during his presidency with 11, while President George W. Bush has thrown 14 overall, including those thrown before and after holding office. Bill Clinton was the first to throw the pitch over the mound without it bouncing. On that same day in 1910, President Taft may have also started the tradition of the 7th Inning Stretch. The story goes that the 6’2 350 pound Taft got up to stretch his legs at the beginning of the 7th inning. The crowd, not wanting to seem disrespectful, felt obligated to join him. After that, the 7th inning stretch became common and they’ve been an important part of baseball games ever since. Learn more here.


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