Cancer Support Community of Rochester 3/3/24

Ed Smith spoke with Connor McKenna and Tim Ambrosetti. They are both Associate Board Members at Cancer Support Community Rochester. They are also chairs for this year’s Bachelor Auction event.
-Connor and Tim both explained how they got involved with Cancer Support Community 5 years ago when they were tapped on the shoulder to be a part of the Bachelor Auction back then. They continued to volunteer and eventually joined the Associate Board.
-They both shared personal experiences of family members and friends dealing with cancer and how those experiences motivated them to get involved with Cancer Support Community as a way to give back and help other families dealing with cancer.
-Connor and Tim talked about how they and the other Associate Board Members are the next generation of people to keep Cancer Support Community going as the Associate Board is made up of 15 young professionals, all under the age of 40.
-Connor gave a rundown of how the evening works at the Bachelor Auction and that all money raised stays local to support the social and emotional support programs at Cancer Support Community.
-He talked about some of the guys participating this year including a couple of Rochester Amerks players and an actor from a national network TV show.
-They talked about local restaurants and other businesses supporting the event with date experiences so that when someone wins they get to try a fun date night with the bachelor.
-There will also be auction items as another way to raise funds for Cancer Support Community.
-Tim said there will be an opportunity to meet some of the bachelors ahead of time at a guest bartending event.
-They encouraged people to support Cancer Support Community with donations or volunteering.

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