American Heart Association in Western and Central New York 7/28/24

Ed Smith spoke with Kristy Smorol, the Communications Director for the American Heart Association in Western and Central New York.
-Kristy talked about how this is the 100 Anniversary of the American Heart Association and gave a quick recap of the Heart Walk.
-She talked about the difference between heat stroke and stroke. She explained the different ways each one should be dealt with to help the person having a medical emergency.
-She gave some helpful safety tips for dealing with heat and humidity in the summer and encouraged folks with heart issues to be extra cautious and consult with their doctor.
-The Heart Association is trying to educate people on the warning signs of having a stroke. The signs are very similar to that of a heart attack.
-Kristy says they are teaching people the acronym, FAST. Face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and time to call 911.
-She also talked about their ongoing community outreach efforts for CPR. In particular trying to teach more people how to perform CPR.
-They will have a mobile CPR training unit at Buffalo Bills Camp and other locations over the next few months.
-Kristy says they are advocating for people to step up if a medical emergency occurs which is why they are trying to train more people in CPR
-She says that heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States.
-Kristy talked about how women have different symptoms than men when they are suffering a heart attack and many times people don’t relate it to a a heart issues.
-The American Heart Association is trying to encourage women to advocate for their health.
-They are still looking for volunteers to help out the organization.

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