73 years ago today, the first episode of The Today Show was broadcast! It was the first of its genre on American TV and in the world, and it’s currently the longest running morning show in the country. The show’s original host was Dave Garroway, and for a short time he had a side-kick – a chimpanzee named J. Fred Muggs. Muggs boosted ratings and also helped win advertisers. He mastered 500 words, sat in Garroway’s lap, and even had a wardrobe of 450 outfits! As of 2023, Muggs is still alive and living in Tampa, Florida. Including current co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Craig Melvin, 9 men and 8 women have served as Today hosts since 1952. Barbera Walters was the first woman to co-host the show in 1974. Today, more than 5 million people tune in to watch every day. Learn more in the audio below!