A very rare and very stinky plant known as the corpse flower bloomed today in Sydney, Australia. This was the first time in more than a decade that it bloomed, attracting tens of thousands of visitors to Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden. The specimen is nicknamed Putricia and its scent has been compared to rotting flesh and sweaty gym socks. Corpse flowers are native to Sumatra in Indonesia. They can measure more than 3 feet across with a pointed center stalk that grows up to 12 feet tall in its native habitat. The reason they emit such a foul odor is because they only bloom for 24-36 hours and need to attract pollinators. The plant is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with fewer than 1,000 corpse flowers remaining in the wild. Since they were first cultivated in the late 1800s, corpse flowers have been grown in 18 countries, successfully flowering outside its native habitat around 100 times. Learn more about this foul smelling flower in the audio below!