

Information and Inspiration for Older Adults and Caregivers

Lifespan in a regional nonprofit, based in Rochester, dedicated to provicing information, guidance and 30+ services for older adults and caregivers.

Whether you need help choosing a Medicare plan, information about housing options for older adults or guidance about eldercare situation, turn to Lifespan.  Specialized care management for families of loved ones with dementia is available.

The organization’s wide range of services also include intervention in elder abuse, financial exploitation and scam situations and financial management assistance for older adults no longer able to handle their finances.

Lifespan’s cafes at the Maplewood YMCA and within Sibley Square downtown provide places for older adults to gather, learn and have fun.

Health and wellness classes for older adults and caregivers are offered every month.  Classes include tai chi for arthritis, A Matter of Balance for fall prevention, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Living Healthy and Medicare 101, among many others.  And now, our classes are online too!  Learn more here.

Lifespan is your trusted source of nonbiased, nothing-to-sell information and guidance about aging.  The 50-year-old organization is led by Ann Marie Cook and employs 160 professional staff.

Learn more about Lifespan.


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