May 6, 2024 – California Sea Lions

Right now, a record number of California sea lions are hanging out on the docks of San Francisco’s Pier 39. An estimated 1700 sea lions have been lured there by huge schools of anchovies and herring. It’s a rest stop of sorts, they’re feasting before continuing their journey south for mating season, which starts next month. It’s more than they’ve seen there in 15 years! California sea lions are the fastest of all seals and sea lions, able to reach speeds of 25-30 mph. They can dive as deep as 900 feet and stay underwater for up to 10 minutes, though most dives are much shallower and last less than 3 minutes. California sea lions are pretty intelligent and highly trainable, which is why they’re a popular choice for public display in zoos. The U.S. Navy even trains them for certain military operations, including detecting naval mines and enemy divers. California sea lions are the only species of sea lion whose population is currently expanding, thanks to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1975. Learn more here.

If you want to see a live webcam of the sea lions at Pier 39, click here.


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