Contact Us

By Email:

Send Advertising inquiries to:
General Inquiries:

By Phone:

Studio: (585) 222-4000
Office: (585) 264-1027

By Mail:

Legends 102.7 WLGZ
2494 Browncroft Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14625

Office Hours:

8:30am – 5:00pm Monday-Friday

Legends 102.7 WLGZ is at 2494 Browncroft Blvd., which is located at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Browncroft Blvd. and Blossom Road in Penfield, NY.

Driving Directions:

From Route 590 North, turn Right onto Browncroft Blvd. and travel approximately 2 miles to the East. Our office will be on your left just as you approach the intersection of Browncroft Blvd. and Creek Street.

From 590 South, turn Left onto Browncroft Blvd. and travel approximately 2 miles to the East. Our office will be on your left just as you approach the intersection of Browncroft Blvd. and Creek Street.


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