Contest Rules

  1. No purchase necessary. MAKING A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. All federal, state, and local regulations apply.
  2. Eligibility.
    Contests/sweepstakes are sponsored by DJRO Broadcasting and jointly sponsored by any entities providing prizes or entries (individually or collectively, “Sponsor(s)”. Contest/sweepstakes eligible to those who are legal U.S. and New York residents 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. One winner per household. One winner per family. Prizes are non-transferable by winners. Employees of DJRO Broadcasting, Clients, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, and their advertising or promotional agencies and the immediate families or members of the same households of such individuals are not eligible. Proof of age, identity, and eligibility must be furnished to Sponsors upon request. All entry form information must be complete and accurate. Sponsors will not award a prize to anyone not meeting eligibility requirements at the time of entry. Winners of a major WLGZ contest, (anything valued at over $600 within the past six months) are not eligible. DJRO Broadcasting reserves the right to disqualify any entrant if these Contest/sweepstakes rules are not followed. By entering, you agree to comply with all applicable law and these Contest/sweepstakes rules, and you agree to abide all decisions of DJRO Broadcasting.
  3. Entries.
    DJRO Broadcasting will not verify receipt of entries. Entries become property of DJRO Broadcasting and will not be returned. Limit one entry per person. One winner per household. Incomplete entries are void. Sponsors are not responsible for entries that are lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, incomprehensible, illegible, damaged, undeliverable or delayed. Photocopied and mechanically generated entries are void. Entries generated by any automated means are void. Electronic and e-mail entries will be deemed to have been submitted by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address at the time of the entry. The authorized account holder is the person to whom the applicable Internet service provider or other organization (such as a business or educational institution) has assigned the e-mail address. DJRO Broadcasting reserves the right to confirm information of any entrant in an effort to make sure information is accurate.
  4. Winning.
    Potential Winners will be notified by phone, email, social media, or mail. DJRO Broadcasting is not responsible for incomplete, incomprehensible, illegible, or out-of-service contact information. If DJRO Broadcasting is unable, after making a reasonable effort, to contact a selected Potential Winner, that Potential Winner will be disqualified and a new Potential Winner will be selected from remaining entries.
  5. Prizes and Odds of Winning.
    All charges, fees, and costs not specifically included in the applicable prize descriptions are the responsibility of the respective Prize Winner and his or her guest if applicable. DJRO Broadcasting reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Prizes must be claimed by on a specific date to be determined by DJRO Broadcasting. Prizes must be claimed at an address not yet specified. To claim prize, winners must provide a valid New York state issued driver’s license or state identification card. Prizes not claimed within 2 weeks of winning will be forfeited and Sponsors reserve the right to select a new Potential Winner from the remaining entries.
  6. Terms and Conditions; Limitation of Liability.
    Participants are responsible for complying with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and with these Contest/sweepstakes Rules, and by entering, participants agree to be bound to these Contest/sweepstakes Rules. Any security breach or other attempt by an entrant or other party to tamper with the proper administration of the Contest/sweepstakes will disqualify the entrant and may result in civil or criminal action against the entrant or other party and may result in the discontinuation, suspension, or cancellation of the Contest/sweepstakes. Winners and entrants agree, except where prohibited by law, to release and discharge, hold harmless and indemnify the Contest/sweepstakes Entities, their employees, agents and representatives, officers and directors and their immediate families, successors and assigns, and all others associated with the development and execution of this Contest/sweepstakes, from any and all tax liability that may be imposed or associated with receipt or use of the prizes, and from and against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, and liability for any damages, expenses, fees, injury or losses (INCLUDING PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH) sustained in connection with the receipt, ownership, or use of the prize or while traveling to, preparing for, or participating in any Contest/sweepstakes-related or prize-related activity. By entering the Contest/sweepstakes or by winning, participants grant to the Contest/sweepstakes Entities the right to publicize the participant’s name, photograph, image, likeness, voice, statements, and biographical information for advertising, trade, and promotion purposes without compensation and without opportunity for review, except where prohibited by law. Winners must execute an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity release. A parent or legal guardian of winners under the age of 18 will also be required to execute an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity release on behalf of the minor child. Winners under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to participate in all Contest/sweepstakes-related activities, including claiming the prize. Winner’s guest must execute a liability and publicity release prior to ticketing if applicable. DJRO Broadcasting retains the discretion to make all decisions regarding the interpretation and application of these rules. All decisions of DJRO Broadcasting are final and discretionary. In the event the selected winner(s) of the prize are/is ineligible or refuse(s) the prize or in the event the prize is forfeited for any other reason, the prize will be forfeited and DJRO Broadcasting, in their sole discretion, may randomly select an alternate winner from remaining entries. The laws of the State of New York shall govern this Contest/sweepstakes, without regard to New York’s choice of law rules. The courts of New York shall be the exclusive forum for any dispute relating to these Rules and/or this Contest/sweepstakes. All participants and winners agree, by their participation in the Contest/sweepstakes, to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of New York. For prizes valued at $600 or greater, winner must provide his or her Social Security Number for tax purposes. Prizes may be considered income, and any and all taxes associated with prizes are responsibility of winner.
  7. Disclaimer and Force Majeure. Contest/sweepstakes Entities, their affiliated, parent, and subsidiary companies, their employees, agents and officers, advertising and promotion agencies, and all others associated with the development and execution of this Contest/sweepstakes are not responsible for: (1) problems associated radio transmission, cable transmission, satellite transmission, phone lines, facsimile, or cable lines and/or phone or IP numbers that are beyond their control—this includes, but is not limited to: a busy signal, operator interference, cellular interference, Internet congestion, technical or atmospheric conditions that disrupt the completion of a phone call, facsimile transmission, email transmission, or cable modem service, or other Internet interruptions or malfunctions or for technical difficulties which may prohibit, prevent, or interfere with the transmission of television or radio signals to all or limited geographic areas during the playing of the Contest/sweepstakes or that may prohibit, prevent, or interfere with the submission of an entry form; failures of or other problems relating to computer hardware, software, the Internet, or similar systems, including but not limited to difficulties relating to contestants’ ISP, DSL, or cable modem access, “worms,” or viruses; (2) typographical errors in any materials relating to the Contest/sweepstakes; (3) lost, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, or delayed entry forms; (4) cancellations, postponements, or delays; (5) Acts of God, war, terrorism, government regulation, disaster, fire, strikes, civil disorder, or other similar causes beyond the control of the Contest/sweepstakes Entities, their affiliated, parent, and subsidiary companies, advertising and promotional agencies and their immediate assigns, making it inadvisable, illegal, impossible, or impractical to continue the Contest/sweepstakes or to perform under these Rules. Contest/sweepstakes Entities make no warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind concerning any prize, and Contest/sweepstakes Entities specifically DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS, AND ANY OTHER IMPLIED WARRANTY.
  8. Official Rules and List of Winners. To receive a copy of these official Contest Rules, visit or send an SASE to DJRO Broadcasting, 2494 Browncroft Blvd. Suite 200, Rochester, NY, 14625. Official rules supersede all other published editions. DJRO Broadcasting reserves the right to change, alter, or amend these Contest/contest rules as necessary, in their sole discretion, to ensure the fair administration of the Contest/sweepstakes or to comply with applicable law. A list of winners’ names will be available at DJRO Broadcasting, 2494 Browncroft Blvd, Suite 200, Rochester, NY, 14625, provided you send and SASE.
