We don’t want to say that we’re responsible for you making it through your workday…but let’s face it, LEGENDS 102.7 does make work a lot more fun. Maggie Strickland is right by your side from 10am to 3pm playing the biggest hits of all time and testing your smarts with her Impossible Question. Every weekday at noon Maggie poses an “almost” Impossible Question and gives you the opportunity to win some fun prizes.
If you missed the question or the answer to one of Maggie’s recent Impossible Questions, you will find the answer below.
Impossible Question 3/25/25
Q: The average person will have 200 of these in their lifetime. 200 what? A: Colds!
Impossible Question 3/24/25
Q: The average person will lose 22 of these in their lifetime. 22 what? A: Sunglasses!
Impossible Question 3/21/25
Q: More than two-thirds of women say they always wear this to work. What are they wearing? A: Makeup!
Impossible Question 3/20/25
Q: 93% of people can identify this smell in one second. What smell is it? A: Peanut butter!
Impossible Question 3/19/25
Q: When it comes to our phones, 96% of us have no patience for this. For what? A: Listening to voice mail!
Impossible Question 3/18/25
Q: What is the most common excuse for not going to the gym? A: No time!
Impossible Question 3/17/25
Q: Most people say are willing to splurge on this. On what? A: Travel/vacation!
Impossible Question 3/14/25
Q: 48% of us lie to this person. What person are we lying to? A: The Dentist.
Impossible Question 3/13/25
Q: This is the most common cause of breakups. What is the cause? A: Lack of communication!
Impossible Question 3/12/25
Q: Employees are less likely to make mistakes if this is available to them at work. If what is available? A: Music!
Impossible Question 3/11/25
Q: In its first year, there were over 500 thousand of these toys sold. What toy is it? A: An Easy Bake Oven!
Impossible Question 3/10/25
Q: 10% of people have a picture of this on their phone’s lock screen. What is a picture of? A: Themselves!
Impossible Question 3/7/25
Q: This is the most disliked household chore. What is it? A: Cleaning the bathroom.
Impossible Question 3/6/25
Q: 50 years ago kids did this routinely, now less than 15% do it. What is it? A: Walk to school!
Impossible Question 3/5/25
Q: 4% of Americans say they always do this while driving. What do they do? A: Run a red light!
Impossible Question 3/4/25
Q: Over 75% of people have at least one of these, but less than half actually work. What is it? A: A Flashlight!
Impossible Question 3/3/25
Q: This country was ranked as the top vacation destination in 2024. What country is it? A: Italy!
Impossible Question 2/27/25
Q: Studies show the younger you are, the more you do this. What is it? A: Smile!
Impossible Question 2/26/25
Q: 52% of people have dipped their pizza in this. In what? A: Ketchup!
Impossible Question 2/25/25
Q: 21% of drivers don’t know how to use this. What don’t they know how to use? A: The cruise control!
Impossible Question 2/24/25
Q: 36% of women never get rid of these. What don’t they get rid of? A: Blue jeans!