Open Door Mission

Restoring Hope Changing Lives

The Open Door Mission is a Christian Rescue Mission founded on the belief that with proper resources hope can be restored and lives of impoverished men, women and children of Rochester, New York could be forever changed.

Established in 1952, the Open Door Mission is a privately funded 501(c)(3) non profit organization chartered in the State of New York that relies primarily upon the private donations from the community to run its programs.

First established to provide clothes, evening meals and chapel services at the Samaritan House, 210 West Main Street, the Mission’s services grew to include addiction recovery programs and a Men’s Shelter Program in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.  The Samaritan House Crisis Center continues today to provide a safe, warm shelter that includes well-balanced hot meals, hot clean showers, comfortable beds with fresh laundered sheets and blankets for up to 50 men and women each night. 

In 1986, the Mission purchased a building at 156 North Plymouth Avenue currently known as the Caring Center which houses: the addiction recovery residential program; clothing distribution; daily meal service; and administrative offices.

In 2018, the Open Door Mission opened the Coldwater Women and Children Residential Home in the Town of Gates. This Women & Children’s Residential Program is a person-centered Christian program designed to address individual crisis situations through strengthening families.  The home, which is formerly the Holy Ghost Convent, offers a safe, comprehensive and dignified environment for up to 11 families.  This program helps women develop a plan for sustainable living which may include medical, vocational, and academic assessments as well as training in parenting, nutrition, job readiness, money management and self care. 
